Gun and doll Show - A musical battle of the sexes
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"Gun and Doll Show rocks the party that rocks the party. Groundbreaking, innovative and infectious….buy all their CD's and T-shirts! It won't be long before you can say "I knew Gun and Doll Show before they were huge… Download for a cure."
"Wow I thought I was the king in the brown nose court.
Thanks for hypeful words" - Killer from the Gun and Doll Show.

What struck me in your Hotel Utah gig was your adherence to the grand tradition of theatre that rock-and-roll has enjoyed since its inception - from Elvis and James Brown to Bowie and Iggy to the CBGB denizens like Talking Heads and the Ramones. It stood in stark contrast to the pretentiousness and self-consciousness of so many bands (and listeners for that matter) throughout the 90's. What I got from that show was everything that has made American music great in the eyes of the world: Truth, euphoria, fury and passion. Wow super old fan remembers a show 10 years ago. "Chris"

San Francisco Party Party:
By now, you know that we love everything Killian does. Right? The whole reason we work so hard to earn a spot in the pantheon of SFPP gods is so we can spend eternity with Killer, doing cool shit like throwing Super 8s off the Golden Gate. We adore that freekin kid! In fact, when JP gets back from Denmark, we're gonna have her break him off a piece!

Video: I Dropped My Super 8 Off The Golden Gate

super 8

Filmmaker and musician Killian MacGeraghty of the San Francisco band The Gun and Doll Show packed his Super 8 camera into a hand-carved Styrofoam "aerodynamic" protective shell, hooked it to a fishing rod, hit record, and tossed it off the Golden Gate Bridge. The result is this excellent video for his group's song The View. see the video

Here are some of the more entertaining comments About "I Dropped My Super 8 Off the Golden Gate."

Umm. I don't know about you but If I saw 2 dudes walking on a bridge with a white object and then tossing it over board, I'd be calling 911 in a heartbeat.

Hmmmm. . . good point. It's a sad commentary on our world when "whimsy" is one of the victims of the "war on terror"-- it's like we're removing colors from the world, taking away the spice of life. (AND the actual "drop" was surprisingly disappointing in this video-- well edited though).

Sigh, another 4 minutes of my life down the drain (5 by the time I read the boingboing story and typed this). This video caused an aneurysm from the stress created when I had to override the urge to strangle someone that this video produced in my soul. Thanks.
Incredibly spectacularly awesomely lame lame lame
This is a scam. I think its doing more damage for your bands reputation then not having a video would do.
Wow, how completely pathetic. I'd strongly recommend they don't quit their day jobs.
//next time, have a 8 year old help you with the "aerodynamic" part.
Is this purely for your own enjoyment and fun? If so, congrats. . Stop reading now. If not. .
A lot of effort unfortunately wasted. Moral? It's good to consult someone who knows the tinyest something about video production before spending time, money and effort on a video that was ultimately a giant disappointment. The music was interesting-- but the video was a sad accompaniment.
Couldn't tell if you really dropped it off the bridge or not. Did you? Looks like you didn't. And why would you drop a camera off a bridge just to make it look like you didn't? You wouldn't! So my money says you didn't. But why would you caulk and float and pad and harness all that crap on there and then not do it? You wouldn't! So my money says "What? What the f**k are you doing?"
What the hell... did the BB people actually WATCH this piece of crap? I came here to watch a camera fall off the Golden Gate bridge, not a shitty attempt to recreate a Kids in the Hall skit interlude.
Disappointing at best. Yet another great idea poorly executed.
Pretty fun idea. Groovy music. I hate jazz but it works here. Fun 1960's look to it. Gripers can show me THIER executions. Big time no money shot however.
yeah hypmrt....f**k those whiners. My god, never pleased with anything, go back to your mommy's basements and play your video games you bunch of f**king retards. No culture at all....the music is great man!! Nice jazz group, good solo by the piano player.

The video is mid-level concept are with bad editing and good music. Why the producers would want to simulate Super 8 is as baffling and incoherent as characterizing the glued-and-packing-taped camera as something requiring TWO "white-coated engineers."
Ultimately, ideas are submerged in this video in the way that a suicide's body would be submerged after jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge.
Brilliant! Don't let anybody tell you different. With 25k plays, nay-sayers just look foolish.
my god that sucked. i kept rewinding, thinking i'd missed something. i want my 4 minutes back.

mediocre video, and mediocre music.
Jazz is an expressionless self satisfactory music style. When seeing a Jazz musician its like seeing someone have a wank on stage in front of you.
I agree this was stupid! Why did they glop the shit all over the camera before putting it in the foam? The music sucks ass! Jazz is gay.
Nice job. Great track. Punchline was a little disappointing but it looked like you had fun, which reflects the music. By the way, I am not astroturfing, I am a genuine hipster digger. ;) And the whiners need to get some f**king perspective. This is youtube for fucks sake. If you think Jazz is "gay" why the fuck did you type "gay" in the search box?
Most of the stuff I find enjoyable on YouTube is of the America's Funniest Home Videos variety. You know, people doing stupid stuff and getting caught on video. But more and more I'm finding DIY videos that are just down right cool. Here's a great example titled "I Dropped My Super 8 Off The Golden Gate."
Cool video? Cool music? Cool concept?
I think a lot of the people who've commented on this at YouTube are completely missing the point. Or maybe they're just myopic jackasses. Either way, it doesn't matter.
I LOVE this. The video. The music. The concept.

I'm not sure how I have missed this one on the web but I guess you can't see everything. "I Dropped My Super 8 Off The Golden Gate" is the latest music video from bay area group Gun and Doll Show. Actually, I had never heard of them before seeing this video which I guess proves that making good videos is worth the effort. If only modern day rap videos would take a cue from groups like this.
The video is shot using a super 8 which, just as the name implies, is dropped off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. The song "The View" for which the video was made is amazing and gives me new hope that there still is good music out there to be found.


I was rather disappointed by the lack of money shot. But I feel sorry for the jazz haters.

Guys. Really. You're just making yourselves look inadequate with your jazz-hating.


FAN ART: Calendar Photos Music Press kit Booking

ggrg kalamar painting
Greg Kalamar painted this at live show in Seatlle.

Check out these photos



"Killian, I LOVE your songs! I am so into the lyrics you write. It's right up my emotional alley. I especially adore "Sundae". I haven't heard a song like this in a long long time. Thank you."

"Hello, I am write from Portugal, knew the sound of the The Gun & Doll
Show only this year, but I adored your sound, does not exist possible

"The problem is that the discográfics stores in Portugal, more
specifically in Madeira, do not have your music and to import the
Compact disc, was more expensive, so not compensate the purchase.

"Therefore it asked for, if it was possible, if you could not send me
two musics that I adore, from the album "New Blood" - "Animal (live)"
and " Professional Pop".

"I adore you, and desire you all the luck of the world.

"Muito obrigado por tudo," adeus.
hey thanks alot. loved your choice of words. would be happy to send you some cd's. -killian

"Thanks a lot for the attention that had given to me, I am very

"Today I am the person happyest in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"You are the greaters, I am perpetual been thankful.

"I already see the moment where the stereo goes to play, and play, and
play your music.

"I adore you, and i wait that everything runs you well.

"Muito obrigado por tudo, um grande abraço!!!!!!"

"duck and cover / rock and roll
your show last week was awesome! super fun music, super fun to watch. your bit with the angel
wings was brilliant. did you write all the songs?" Sara C.
(Yes -killian).

"saw you guys this week at Cafe Du Nord for the first time. It was PURE ENTERTAINMENT.
I am now a fan."

"hey killian duck and cover / rock and roll

"your show last week was awesome! super fun music, super fun to watch. your bit with the angel wings was brilliant. did you write all the songs? sad that meagan is leaving..she's a dish and has great stage presence. i went to burning man with the bass player for charm school dropouts, mr nancy. (literally, we caravaned with a few other folks...didn't actually camp with her though)

"i hung around for a bit after you guys finished, but the last band was boring and it was a school night for me anyway. didn't you tell me a guy with a big label was coming? any news on what he/she thought?

"hope all is well and the rain isn't depressing you and the pup too terribly... "

- sara

"Certain singers have this "tone" It's hard to describe it with out being
crass, but it that certain something that will make you listen to an album
over and over, make you wish you were the girl they were singing about or
better yet the girl that could save that broken heart.
"In comes in "Unemployed Heart" by Killian Mac Geraghty (how ever you spell
his name , I mean you aren't screaming out his whole name during the act you
know) and that, the act. The act of jerking off to a song that I can only
describe as a "w** ***y" song. I played it over and over, and I have that
tone in your voice to thank for all those orgasms.


"Hey Killian - great to see you last night! Thanks for another fun, intelligent, rocking show.

I got your new CD and have so far listened to it about four times since this morning.

I don't do that. Not since I was a kid and my sister won Alice Cooper Goes to Hell from the local radio station. I don't think I was even in my teens back then - or maybe just barely. All the sudden Billy Joel didn't matter so much.

As much as I love good music, it takes quite a bit more to keep me interested. I can't really describe what it is - you would probably be better at that - but there is an amazing richness to the way you sound.

It satisfies, but I still want more."

~ Casey

"This band is... one of the best progressive-alternative groups I’ve ever heard (for lack of a better label). I’m an active person and I work hard too. I love throwing on The Gun and Doll Show after work. It gets me amped the rest of the day. American Radio is an album you can listen to front to back as background music, due to its ‘all over the place’ variety. Or pick your favorite track, crank up the volume and rock out! The Gun and Doll Show are true performers. When you to see them you are definitely going to ‘The Rock Show’.”
- Artist, Builder and Snowboarder Benjamin Abell (a.k.a. Bones)

Keegan Farrell Painting of killian MacGeraghty This poster for SXSW 2000 was painted by Keegan Farrell after she saw Killian Light his head on fire in Texas

Welcome to San FranZiskGo!
If you come looking for guns or dolls, you may be disappointed. If,
however, you like dancing to really eerie rock music with bizarre lyrics,
take a taste of the Gun and Doll Show--one cup Pixies/Breeders, a dash of
Dinosaur Jr. and Hüsker Dü, and a fully-baked stage show.

Katy Miessner painted this 8 foot by 5 foot mural outside the Paradise Lounge where it remained for almost 2 years. This started a trend on that corner to this day.

Hello to all,
I recieved your card yesterday. Thanks for thinking of me Ron. I will be there on the 22 of sept. I'm glad you are booked at Graceland, better exposure than the Sunset. I'll do my best to encourage friends and family to come out and try somthing new, if they know whats good for them! Extra bonus, I will be in Portland on the 23 of Sept. with my husband! So I will see you there as well. I want you all to know how much you helped my head this summer. The Gun
& Doll Show, Medicine For Your Head! I was going through some major
personal life "issues"[ a word I'm so sick of I could puke], and seeing you all
play reminded me about the importance of fun. It is awsome to see a band participate in a relationship with their audiance. So thank you.
Much Love, Coco

Conte Crayon by Angel XStacy

Singer as well. Formally of Venus Bleeding, & currently CharmSchool Dropouts.

I am a most humble slave to the music. Please add my address to the Gun and
Doll Show e-mail list, Thank you!

~ Lisa C.

"Killian" Puppet by David H. of Shadow Circus Creature Theatre.

After the Lemon Lime Lights played, I saw the Gun and Doll Show, imagine a
cross between the white stripes, the pixies, and metalica, and you'll get
the idea. I swear, their singer looks exactly like Krank from The City of
Lost Childeren. - Daniel.

American Radio watercolor by Artist, Builder and Snowboarder Benjamin Abell (a.k.a. Bones)

>Hey -
>Saw your van heading up 80 on Sunday - and I said to my wife and
>Hey That's the Gun and Doll Show! They do that song we listened to
>over and over again in France (yeah we went to France) this year, A
>Certain Wiggle, c'mon you know the one, do-do, do-do-do-do-dwee, or
>that other one I love, The Truth...
>and they both said wow, like sort of impressed, and it wasn't until I
>got them home later and played both songs (purchased legit off
>iTunes) and they said wow, oh yeah, those songs, that was them? And
>I said yeah, you could tell by the totally rockabilly deliberately
>sloppy but cool artwork on the van, and the length of the driver's
>sideburns. That just had to be them.
>Found your music on iTunes, loved it, bought the album, read the
>reviews in the Chron, was stoked to see the Van. Keep it up.
>Andrew B.

Crayon Illustration for "Penguin Song" by John Weiss.

we are definitely coming out to abernathy's on saturday. any idea what time you're playing? are you playin with other bands? looks like we'lll be at the show on monday too. we have been listenin to ya lots and are now actively recruiting.
keep the faith,
- Gram LeBron
(this guy is in Rogue Wave)

The infamous 6 foot pie constructed by Jim Donahue, Owner, Fortune Records.

I am a most humble slave to the music. Please add my address to the Gun and
Doll Show e-mail list, Thank you!

~ Lisa C.

The 50 Guitar Orchestra


Killian's Letter to the Editor, as printed in SFWeekly:

Where Did the Love Go?

We'd take you back in a New York minute. Once upon a time we were in love. Although it's been almost three years since we kissed and paraded our love all over town, I still remember your soft lips. Do you remember ours?

SF Weekly awarded us the Wammie for Best Pop Band in '99. Your constant love notes in various sections of the paper (touting our inventiveness, ingenuity and even our sexual organs (“the gents reveal certain attributes that rightly complement their musical prowess”)) gave us butterflies. We felt truly loved. A month wouldn't go by without some kind of sign letting us know that “we have something special between us.” There was actually a time we felt like your No. 1 Mistress. You hardly ever let anyone down your pants, so when you let us run our hands along the lines of your panties, we felt privileged. We didn't care that it was 2am or that we were both drunk, and it seemed like it would last forever. Having survived three editors and four years of high school sex (no penetration), we've seen every part of your body except the inside (we never got a column from the editor).

Maybe you never thought of us as anything more than a good time. We're not a part of this city anymore. Maybe we never were, but we'll always think of you and the masculine side of us will always be able to imagine penetration. There's been too many tears dripping down our noses for far too long. Now we're used to the salt beer we've been drinking. Our “boo-hoo-we're-so-blue binge” is over! We have to move on emotionally. We have to find love somewhere else. It won't be easy. We're older. There are more lines on our faces. Our skin has lost that “horse's nose” feel. We are far from fresh. The thought of finding a new lover scares us. We're 8 years old (that's 56 in industry years).

Recently two Penthouse Pets called for dinner and dancing (the the New York Times) We thought it was too good to be true. We talked on the phone for hours. They kept talking about sex and telling us their favorite kind of underwear. We're not telling you this to get you jealous – although all's fair in love and war (except chemical and biological weapons). We're just trying to pull on your heartstrings. You see, at the very last moments the Pets canceled the dinner engagement (big article with pictures). Our hearts sank; we recoiled. We peeled off our makeup, took off our wonderbras and pulled the banana out of our pants. Left in the streets of S.F. To ponder the cruelty of the hotties from NYC, we thought of you. Do you ever think of us on cold nights? Do you remember the way we touched your panties? But if you'd have us we'd come running back. We've learned a trick or two. Ever had your ears pulled just at that moment?

Remembering you always with love,
The Gun & Doll Show


I Know Pro.

I might be 52 years old but I'm not a square... I'we know what makes ANY kind of band a “professional” as oppose (sic) to an amature (sic). I love Kurt Cobain, Box Car Racer, Blink 182, Lincolnpark (yeah I know it's spelled differently) I don't know how many times I've been in the Mission and seen a band... a shlok one... but only shlok because they didn't follow some simple guidelines for professionalism for ANY... repeat ANY kind of music. The (sic) you go see The Gun And Doll Show (music that my 52 year old ass shouldn't like as a rule...) And they BLOW YOU FUCKING AWAY!!! They're a fucking Punk band for Christ's sake and I was LEVELED by their professionalism! And you know those cats are making money. Something ALL you “free” guys would love to do. AND NOT BECAUSE THEY “GOT THEIR NAME OUT” AND GOT “EXPOSURE.” It's because they're MOTHERFUCKERS at what they do. Free players and pros and clubowners: Let's work together to resurect (sic) the San Francisco music scene!!! Peace.

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The Gun and Doll Show


The Gun & Doll Show is an Independent Rock Band from the San Francisco Bay Area.


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